For years, I had dreams of being in the midst of small huts overlooking the ocean. The idea of being in the middle of nowhere, surrounded in all directions by the Indian Ocean was so enticing that the goosebumps of…
How We Traveled to Greece and the South of France for less than $1000
The ocean blue juxtaposed with the pristine white: the makings of the perfect Instagram photo. Greece was calling our names and we were making sure we answered. Luckily, as usual, the Travel Gods were on our sides and we…
Flight Deals 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Cheap Flights
“You’re always traveling, how are you able to do that?” This is a question I hear quite often. I usually direct people to a few different options but now is finally my opportunity to dish on ALL the methods needed to easily become a jet-setter at a low-cost! Here are the things you need to know to score flight deals:
Error Fares: How We Traveled to Dubai for $200
It was Christmas morning when my phone began buzzing frantically with text messages from Jesenia. “Omg Jaz look,” she had written with an attached screenshot of someone posting how they had just booked a round trip flight to Dubai…
Hotels and Accommodations Can Be Cheap Too!
Now that you’ve learned how to get flight deals, you might be wondering “but what about hotels?” I don’t just travel frequently because I am getting affordable flights but it’s also because my accommodations are affordable as well. Here’s how: